Friday, January 16, 2015

Last day of Semester 1

Today was the last day of Human Geography. We took the test on North Korea as one of the last grades going into PowerSchool. It was actually a lot harder then I expected but I hope I did well. It's kinda sad that this was our last class but I have Mr. Schick for next semester too!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Today we started off the class by doing the online survey for Mr. Schick. Then we continued going over the North Korea PowerPoint. We started the PowerPoint talking about Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong-Il. We are finishing up talking about North Korea because we are preparing for the test.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Almost the end of the semester

As we are coming to the end of the semester, Mr. Schick has scheduled a test for this Friday. The test will be on North Korea and we will be reviewing tomorrow. Today we finished the North Korea video which I found to be really interesting and educational. I learned a lot about North Korea and will hopefully remember everything for the test.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Pow Wow and North Korea

Today Mr. Schick told us all about the Pow Wow tomorrow and how if we attend, he will give us 10 extra credit points. It sounds really cool and I would enjoy going but I will be doing service hours tomorrow.We also watched more of the North Korea video.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

North Korea Video

Today in class we went to Mr. Schick's classroom and watched a video on North Korea. It was a really interesting video and it was basically secretly taken. A man traveled to North Korea to do eye surgery on hopefully 1,000 people within 10 days and he took a camera crew with him and pretended they were a group of his doctors. I can't wait to watch the rest of the video and learn more about North Korea!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Break is over :(

Today was the first day back from break and we got right to work. We took notes and learned about North and South Korea. I found it very interesting how 2 places can be completely different even though they are so close. I am very excited to learn more about this new topic

Monday, December 15, 2014

Winter Break is Coming Up!

Today in class we talked about stuff that is going to be on the exam tomorrow. Mr. Schick answered all of the questions that we had and told us what we should know for the exam. There will be 130 Scantron questions and 2 essays which isn't as overwhelming as the other exams, but still a lot. I am really nervous that I am not going to do well, but I am definitely going to try my best. Good luck to everyone!