Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Today in class Mr. Schick explained to us why our test was postponed until Friday. More groups got up and presented their projects and we got the whole study guide situation figured out so now we can see other people's projects when we go to the study guide. The first presentation was on Russia which was halfway presented 2 days ago, so today Russia's group finished. Next up was Brazil. Here are some facts about Brazil:

-Federal Republic
-Dilma Rousseff is their president
-Presidency: 4 year terms
-Dilma Rousseff was elected in 2011 becoming the first female president. This is her last term for right now.
-Ways to remove president: impeachment, electing another president, assassination.
-Brazil is very happy with their president.

-President Enrique Pena Nieto (member of the institutional revolutionary party)
- Federal republic

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