Friday, August 29, 2014

5 Things I Will Do Freshman Year

This year is the most important year to get myself organized, adapted, and comfortable in school sine it's basically a transition year. Since freshman year is my first year in a new school I need to do a lot of things to be prepared. I think the most important thing is to be organized. Without organization it's easy to forget homework, books, and tests/quizzes that are coming up. One way I found helpful in middle school was after each class I would go to my locker and put those books in my locker from the class I had before if the teacher had assigned homework. That way, at the end of the day I would not have to try to remember what classes I had homework in because I had already put my books in my backpack. I will definitely do that again this year because it was really helpful. Another way I will get organized is by using my planner, that way I can write down all of the homework I have and write myself reminders to do stuff. Last year I had a color for each class so an example is math was pink so I would have a pink book cover on my text book and I would have a pink notebook and workbook so then I could just go right into my locker and grab all of the pink books and not worry about forgetting anything because I knew ALL of my math books were pink for that class. I can also color code my schedule to correspond with my books. To make sure I get all of my homework done I will just write it down in my planner. For studying, I will get my friends to quiz me if we have a test coming up because that way all of us will get to study together and not have to worry about it later. I will also make sure I write down all of my test dates in my planner so I don't forget.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Human Geography Class 8/28

Today in class we didn't do much because Mr. Schick was helping people set up their blogs and get situated because a lot of us didn't do it right the night before. During class, we all had the chance to write our blogs for today, quietly talk to other students in our class and even do other work from other classes which was nice. I talked to people sitting next to me and behind me for most of the class. Nothing much happened at all really, and it went by fast. Oh and cross country people left early so they missed out. Overall it was a very laid back and relaxed class today.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

My First Day at John Carroll

My first day at John Carroll was less nerve wracking then I thought it would be. Even though it was my first day as a freshman, it felt as if I had already been a student here for a while. I found all of my classes pretty well and on time which was something I worried about. I got my locker open on the 2nd try and other freshmen were actually asking me to help them!! All of the older kids in my advisory class were so nice, supportive, and helpful. And I love my advisor! I was thankful to have 5 off mods on my first day because it gave me enough time to do everything I needed to get done and not be in a hurry. It also gave me more time to socialize with new friends that I made that day and friends I had from middle school. The great thing about high school is all of the freedom you have. As a high school student you have so much more freedom which is really nice. Also, I was impressed by the cafeteria food!  Overall, everything went well and I hope it gets better throughout the school year. I am so excited that I'm finally apart of the John Carroll community.