Wednesday, August 27, 2014

My First Day at John Carroll

My first day at John Carroll was less nerve wracking then I thought it would be. Even though it was my first day as a freshman, it felt as if I had already been a student here for a while. I found all of my classes pretty well and on time which was something I worried about. I got my locker open on the 2nd try and other freshmen were actually asking me to help them!! All of the older kids in my advisory class were so nice, supportive, and helpful. And I love my advisor! I was thankful to have 5 off mods on my first day because it gave me enough time to do everything I needed to get done and not be in a hurry. It also gave me more time to socialize with new friends that I made that day and friends I had from middle school. The great thing about high school is all of the freedom you have. As a high school student you have so much more freedom which is really nice. Also, I was impressed by the cafeteria food!  Overall, everything went well and I hope it gets better throughout the school year. I am so excited that I'm finally apart of the John Carroll community. 

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