Friday, August 29, 2014

5 Things I Will Do Freshman Year

This year is the most important year to get myself organized, adapted, and comfortable in school sine it's basically a transition year. Since freshman year is my first year in a new school I need to do a lot of things to be prepared. I think the most important thing is to be organized. Without organization it's easy to forget homework, books, and tests/quizzes that are coming up. One way I found helpful in middle school was after each class I would go to my locker and put those books in my locker from the class I had before if the teacher had assigned homework. That way, at the end of the day I would not have to try to remember what classes I had homework in because I had already put my books in my backpack. I will definitely do that again this year because it was really helpful. Another way I will get organized is by using my planner, that way I can write down all of the homework I have and write myself reminders to do stuff. Last year I had a color for each class so an example is math was pink so I would have a pink book cover on my text book and I would have a pink notebook and workbook so then I could just go right into my locker and grab all of the pink books and not worry about forgetting anything because I knew ALL of my math books were pink for that class. I can also color code my schedule to correspond with my books. To make sure I get all of my homework done I will just write it down in my planner. For studying, I will get my friends to quiz me if we have a test coming up because that way all of us will get to study together and not have to worry about it later. I will also make sure I write down all of my test dates in my planner so I don't forget.

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