Friday, December 5, 2014

More Cultural Characteristics Notes

Today in class we talked about spatial divisions, religion, and we also listened to Mr. Schicks rap song.

Political Alliances
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Commonwealth of nations
Organization ofAmerican States (OAS)

Five Major Religions 
-# of adherents: around 2.2 billion (largest in the world)
-called Christians
-geographic location: Europe, the America, southern Africa
-denominations: Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Protestants (Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, anglicans, Presbyterians, Episcopalians,etc)
-founder: Jesus Christ
-holy book: The Bible, especially the New Testament
-beliefs: Jesus is both human and divine
-clergy:  the Pope is head of the church, priests are local authorities.

-member of adherents: 1.5 billion (second largest)
-called: Muslims
-geographic location: Indonesia, Middle East, north Africa
-denominations: Sunnis 975-90%), Shiites (10-20%)
-founder: Muhammad (570-632)
-holy book: Qur'an
-beliefs:monotheistic, Abrahamic, Five Pillars (testimony, prayer, alms-giving, fasting, pilgrimage)
Muslims see their purpose in life as serving and submitting to Allah (God), and observing Islamic Law.

number of adherents: 1.1 billion (third largest)
called: Hindus
geographic location: India, Nepal
holy book: the Vedas- eternal truths revealed to ancient sages; written in verse form (meant to be sung and easily memorized)
founder: no distinct founder- series of intellectual philosophical points of view. Probably the oldest religion, although Hinduism is less a religion than a way of life. Believe in reincarnation.

number of adherents: 500 million- 1.5 billion
called: Buddhists
geographic location: southeast Asia, China, Nepal, Japan, there are over 1.2 million in the US
founder: Siddhartha Gautama
denominations: Tibetan, Zen, Theravada, Amidist

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