Tuesday, December 2, 2014

PowerPoint Notes- Cultural Geography

Cultural characteristics are parts of a group's everyday life. There are the ideas and themes which the group will teach to all members. These same characteristics can also link or divide a region.

Language- Arabic unites the Arab world. Spanish unites the Hispanic World. Brazil is the only South American nation which does not speak Spanish. It speaks Portuguese.
Canada is a bilingual nation. French and English are their official languages.
The United States does NOT have an official language.
Switzerland has multiple languages but very little conflict between the groups. English is now considered the world language and is used for most business transactions around the world.


Ethnic Heritage- In Yugoslavia, many ethnic groups were made into one country (Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Albanians). When strong leadership died out, the different groups fought a very bloody civil war and now they all have separate countries. In the countries of Rwanda and Burundi in Africa, two ethnic groups are dominant, the Tutsis and the Hutus. The United States and Switzerland have peacefully merged multiple ethnic groups in their countries. Korea, China and Japan have primarily one ethnic group.

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