Friday, October 3, 2014

Class 10/3/14

I would personally say today was the best class we have ever had for so many reasons. I think Mr. Schick was pleasantly surprised by us actually participating in the group discussion that early in the morning. We started off by watching a video about America and peoples different views on whether it's the greatest country in the world or not. It was honestly one of the most powerful videos I have ever watched. For some reason it really spoke to me. That video then led us into a very well participated group discussion on our views on the topic which then led into other topics. Somehow we started talking about alcohol, drug use, and marijuana. We talked about what should/should not be legal, freedom, how America has the most people in prisons, whether America is the best country in the world or not, the news, government, what stuff we do/don't believe, marijuana, alcohol, and even more. Each of us shared our different opinions and added a lot of good points to the discussion. It was so fun because I enjoyed listening to other people's views on things and I liked being able to share my opinion with everyone else and trying to prove points. Finally, there is actually a class that we can go to and just speak our mind on truly important things going on in the world.  I learned so much just from that discussion and the video and I just really enjoyed it. I really hope we have more classes like the class we had today.

1 comment:

  1. That WAS an incredible class. You guys really have a lot of strong opinions! Socrates would be proud.
