Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Review for test

Today in class we reviewed what is going to be on Friday's test. Everything listed below is all of the things we should know. 

  • life expectancy
  • crude birth rate 
  • crude death rate 
  • developing nations
  • developed nations
  • rate of natural increase (RNI)
  • net migration rate 
  • immigration
  • emigration
  • push forces
  • pull forces
  • total fertility rate (TFR)

We should also be able to list 3 pull forces and 3 push forces. 

During the test there will be a specific time where we need to use our laptops to go on the CIA website and find answers to some of the questions but it is not open note/blog.

I re took notes on everything we should know which I think is a good study technique. I also high lighted all of my previous notes to study from as well. I have confidence that I will do well on the test especially since I think we are going to do more review tomorrow.

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