Friday, September 26, 2014

CIA Fact book 9/26/14

Today in Human Geography we talked about more facts we learned from the CIA fact book. Mr. Schick called a few of us up to the front to share the facts we found on the website. A few of the facts that I found interesting were that the United States is #18 in the world for obesity.Also that Niger has the highest Total Fertility Rate in the world at 6.89 children born per women. Also the American Samoa (deserted beach near Pago, Pago, part of the Samoan Island Chain but is in the southernmost territory of the U.S.) is #1 in the world for obesity at 74.6%. We also learned about the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)  average amount of money an adult makes in a country per year. Someone got up and told us that a single person in the U.S. makes about $52,800 a year making us #14 in the world for GDP.

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