Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Did You Know 3.0 video

Today in Human Geography we watched a video called "Did you know 3.0". This video illustrates how quickly the world is changing and how technology is advancing very quickly. Honestly, when I first saw this video I was mind blown and amazed. Its insane to think about all of that stuff. It's honestly kind of scary to think about because technology is basically taking over the world. There was a fact in the video that said "The amount of new technical information is doubling every 2 years. For students starting a 4 year technical degree this means that half of what they learn in their first year of study, will be outdated by their third year of study." It's almost pointless so learn software that is just going to be outdated soon after it's made. That right there just shows how insanely fast the technology is being updated and how fast everything changes. Another thing in the video that was mentioned was that if Facebook were a country it would be the third largest country in the world. That shows how consumed we are with social networking. It's crazy to think that there are that many people on one website. The problem with that is, people are losing social skills in real life. So many people use social networks that it's almost like they forget how to interact with people in person. That's why 1 out of 8 married in the U.S. last year met online. Clearly technology is a huge role in our lives these days if we are marrying people we met through a screen. It's honestly sad that our world is like this now.

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