Monday, September 15, 2014

Human Geo Class 9/15/14

Today in Human Geography we went over what is going to be on our test on Wednesday. The 4 things that will be on our test are a Message to Garcia, Ancient Greece, Did You Know 3.0, globalization, and americanization. We have to know who delivered the message to Garcia, who wrote it, who was the president during the time, and what war was going on during the time it was written. We also have to know the definitions and concepts of "Arete", "Agora", and we have to know about democracy. We have to know what happened in 508 BC and when Cleisthenes granted power to men in Athens. We also have to write an essay about Socrate's quote "The unexamined life is not worth living."  We don't have class tomorrow so our job is to study for the test.

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