Monday, September 8, 2014

Human Geo Class 9/8

Today in Human Geography we had quite a loud and entertaining class. Mr. Schick started out the class by telling us he was giving us assigned seats. So once everyone got got to class he assigned our new seats...of course everyone complained and said they hated their seat. It was actually pretty funny because the class was almost fighting like brother and sister with each other about seating arrangements. We then decided to challenge Mr. Schick in a debate started off by Nate speaking first. Nate definitely added some spirit into the debate and made some key points as did Reece. It was definitely funny watching all of this happen. Finally after everyone gave their opinion we took a vote and majority ruled to switch seats. Then, each of us found our new seats next to whoever we wanted and we continued to talk about ancient Greece. As Mr. Schick said, we turned the classroom into an Agora.

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