Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Human Geo 9/24/14

Today in Human Geography Mr.Schick handed back our tests that we took last week. For people that got an A on the test he rung his bell once. If you got a 100% he rung the bell twice but no one in our class got a 100. Overall I'm pretty happy with my grade and I hope to do even better on the next test. Mr. Schick went over our tests with us after he handed them back and we went over the answers. He called on each of us to read off the answers and we got to correct the answers we had wrong. We went over the essay questions and discussed what we should have written for each essay in order to get a 10/10. We went into great depth about the essay about Socrate's quote "The unexamined life is not worth living." Mr. Schick went into a rant about people saying "live life to the fullest." He asked us each what that quote even meant and explained how it's sort of an idiotic quote because people think it means you can just go out and act stupid and live every day as if it's your last.

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