Thursday, September 11, 2014

Human Geography Class 9/11/14

Today in class we talked more about the video we watched "Did You Know 3.0".Mr. Schick explained the fast-moving world we live in. We live in exponential times where information is spread so quickly that it is almost too hard to keep up with all of the new technology and websites. Mr. Schick explained to us the first time he used a "cellular phone" and how he called his friend Carl to tell him about it and it just showed how advanced things have become in the last 25+ years. It's funny because the computers and phones we have now most likely will not even exist in the future because everything will just be in our minds...such as the chips in our heads I have talked about in my previous blogs. We then began to talk about the new watch that basically does more then our phones and computers now. The watch enables you to swipe your arm over your bill in a restaurant and it automatically pays because its connected to your credit card. It is crazy how fast things are advancing in todays society.

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