Friday, September 12, 2014

Human Geo 9/12/14

Today in class we talked about globalization and its effects. Globalization is the connection with different parts of the world. It results in the expansion of international cultural, economic, and political activities. Globalization has been around forever, it is not a new thing to society just because we have computers. It was even around during Alexander the Great's time. In class, we checked the tags on our clothes and shoes to see where they were made, we came to a conclusion that most were made in China because it's cheaper to pay Chinese employees. I found it interesting that usually when Chinese people get sick they just get fired and they get replaced very quickly. Globalization has lead to americanization of other countries. Americanization is the influence the United States has on other cultures such as the food they eat in different countries. Japan now has fast food places such as KFC and McDonalds which is obviously very common in America. Americanization has an effect on the economy and health of other countries. An example of globalization was the Silk Road of China. The Silk Road interconnected them with the rest of the world through trade of silk, tea  and other items. We also talked about the difference between BC and BCE. None of us had ever heard of "BCE" before so we learned that it means "Before the Common Era." Also, more on globalization, it spreads religious beliefs and the art of knowing more then one language. I found today's class very informational and interesting.

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