Thursday, September 18, 2014

Notes on migration and population

Today in class we talked about new stuff and took notes on population and migration. We learned that there are over 7 billion people in the world and the number is being increased by over 73 million per year. About 90% of population growth takes place in countries such as Africa, South and East Asian and Latin America. These are developing countries. By the time people my age reach the age of around 50, it is very likely that the population could double and many conflicts could occur because of that, such as: less food and less drinkable water. I found it very interesting that we are the 50th country with the highest life expectancy. I sort of though that we would be like #10 at least but we're #50 so that means there's 50 more countries before us that have a greater life expectancy. Such as Monaco. We believe life expectancy has to do with the developing of a country, so therefore, countries that are less developed have a lower life expectancy. Such as Chad, most people only live to their 40s if they're lucky. Here, 50 years ago our life expectancy was lower because people smoked a lot back then and there was less technological advances in medicines. Plus, a lot of people didn't know was was safe and unsafe back then. Nobody really knew the side effects of some things such as smoking.

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